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Temperatursensibles Logistikunternehmen in Westeuropa zu verkaufen

- Einkünfte: < 5 Mio. EUR
- EBITDA: 25%
- Standort: Westeuropa
- #CFIE TRS320

Overview of temperature-sensitive logistics company in Western Europe for sale

In general, this logistics company in Western Europe specializes in providing warehousing services for frozen, chilled, and cold storage goods. At this time, this presents a unique opportunity for growth and expansion for investors in Europe. In total, it has a dedicated team of up to 20 employees. Notably, the company has established a strong reputation for its efficient and reliable services, catering to a diverse range of clients. Predominately, these are in the food and pharmaceutical industries.

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Profile (strategy) of temperature-sensitive logistics company in Western Europe for sale

Overall, the strategy of the company is to continue investing in technology and infrastructure to enhance its operational efficiency and capacity. Essentially, by staying ahead of industry trends and regulations, the company aims to remain a market leader in Western Europe. It is known for impressive profits and strong financial performance. Thus, the company is well-positioned for future growth. Moreover, it is an attractive investment opportunity for potential acquirers looking to capitalize on the growing demand for cold storage and logistics services.

Activities and services of temperature-sensitive logistics company in Western Europe for sale

Chiefly, the company’s services include state-of-the-art refrigerated storage facilities. In addition, it offers supply chain support solutions tailored to meet the specific needs of each client. Altogether, with a focus on quality and customer satisfaction, the company has built long-term relationships with its clients. Consequently, this has resulted in a loyal and expanding customer base.

Highlights of temperature-sensitive logistics company in Western Europe for sale

- Sie befinden sich an gut erreichbaren Orten in Westeuropa.
• Owns more than 1ha of warehouse space
• Multi-temperature slots
- Hohe Gewinnspannen

Weitere Informationen über dieses in Osteuropa zu verkaufende Unternehmen Temperatursensibles Logistikunternehmen in Westeuropa zu verkaufen

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