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- Umsatz: < 20 Mio. EUR
- EBITDA: 10%
- Standort: Südeuropa
- #CFIE TRS321

Overview of pharmaceutical logistics company in Southern Europe for sale

This is a unique opportunity for investors ready to tap into the growing healthcare sector. Essentially, the company is focused on providing specialized services to the pharmaceutical, medical, and clinical research industries. In addition, it offers various value-added services that cater to the unique needs of these sectors. In particular, they repackage and provide authenticity labels and support for clinical trials, as well as serialization. Altogether, the company’s services are crucial to ensure the safe and efficient delivery of pharmaceutical products.

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Profile (strategy) of pharmaceutical logistics company in Southern Europe for sale

Strategically, the company has a strong focus on customer satisfaction and developing long-term partnerships with its clients. Further, they are known for offering personalized services tailored to specific client needs. As a result, the company has built a solid reputation for reliability and quality in the pharmaceutical logistics sector. Critically, it has a dedicated team of experts and a commitment to continuous improvement. At this time, the company is well-positioned for future growth and expansion in the highly competitive healthcare market. Overall, this pharmaceutical logistics company is a lucrative opportunity for investors to enter or expand their presence in the Southern European healthcare sector.

Activities and services of pharmaceutical logistics company in Southern Europe for sale

Notably, one of the company’s key strengths is its extensive storage space, with more than 2 hectares. Moreover, it is equipped with state-of-the-art IT tools. In this case, this allows the company to efficiently manage and track pharmaceutical products throughout the supply chain. Hence, this ensures compliance with regulatory requirements and maintains the integrity of the products. Additionally, the company’s focus on innovation and technology puts it at the forefront of the industry. Consequently, this allows it to offer cutting-edge solutions to its clients.

Highlights of pharmaceutical logistics company in Southern Europe for sale

- Das Unternehmen verfügt über 2 Hektar Lagerfläche
- Ausgestattet mit modernsten IT-Tools
• Track record of yearly growing revenue
• Wide range of services fulfilling logistic needs in the pharma sector

Weitere Informationen über dieses in Osteuropa zu verkaufende Unternehmen Pharmazeutisches Logistikunternehmen in Südeuropa zu verkaufen

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