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Kühllogistikunternehmen in Osteuropa zu verkaufen

- Einkünfte: < 3 Mio. EUR
- EBITDA: < 20%
- Standort: Ost-Europa
- #CFIE TRS317

Overview of refrigerated logistics company in Eastern Europe for sale

Essentially, the company in Eastern Europe is a leading cold chain service provider for frozen food-grade products. Primarily, the company operates a state-of-the-art cold storage facility that is equipped with the latest technology. Thus, this ensures that products are kept at the optimum temperature throughout the entire storage and transportation process.

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Profile (strategy) of refrigerated logistics company in Eastern Europe for sale

Overall, the company strategy is focused on three main areas. First, it provides exceptional customer service. Second, it invests in cutting-edge technology, And third, it continuously improves its operations to meet the evolving needs of the market. Chiefly, by staying ahead of the competition and offering innovative solutions, the company maintains a strong position in the market. As a result, it continues to attract a loyal customer base. Currently, this acquisition offers a great opportunity for a strategic investor to expand their presence in the region. Moreover, a buyer can capitalize on the growing demand for cold chain services in the food industry.

Activities and services of refrigerated logistics company in Eastern Europe for sale

Altogether, the company offers varied solutions to meet the specific needs of each client. In particular, this includes temperature-controlled storage options and cross-docking. Furthermore, value-added services include the ability to label, repackage, and perform quality controls. Hence, this ensures that products are handled with care and meet the highest safety and quality standards.

Highlights of refrigerated logistics company in Eastern Europe for sale

- Sitz in Osteuropa
- Eigene Lagerräume
• Specialized in refrigerated goods
- Hohe Gewinnspannen

Weitere Informationen über dieses in Osteuropa zu verkaufende Unternehmen Kühllogistikunternehmen in Osteuropa zu verkaufen

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