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- Umsatz: < 10 Mio. EUR
- EBITDA: 5%
- Standort: Mitteleuropa
- #CFIE TRS318

Overview of parcel freight forwarder in Central Europe for sale

Chiefly, this freight forwarding business in Central Europe specializes in handling international parcel shipments. At this time, the acquisition could provide a valuable opportunity for growth and expansion in the logistics industry. Primarily, the company’s activities involve coordinating the transportation of parcels by air to destinations all over the world. In total, it has a team of 20 skilled employees. Consequently, the business can efficiently manage complex logistics operations and ensure timely deliveries for its clients.

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Profile (strategy) of parcel freight forwarder in Central Europe for sale

Overall, the strategy of the freight forwarding business is focused on three main goals. First, to provide exceptional customer service. Second, to leverage technology to optimize operations. Third, to forge strong relationships with partners and suppliers in the logistics industry. Essentially, by staying at the forefront of industry trends and developments, the company can adapt to changing market conditions.  Thus, it can deliver innovative solutions to meet the evolving needs of its clients. Above all, it has a strong reputation for reliability and quality services. As a result, the business is well-positioned to continue its growth and success in the competitive Central European market.

Activities and services of parcel freight forwarder in Central Europe for sale

Altogether, the company provides freight services and a range of additional services related to international shipments.  In particular, these include customs clearance, warehousing, and last-mile delivery. Crucially, this comprehensive approach allows the business to provide end-to-end solutions for its clients. Hence, this ensures a seamless and efficient shipping experience.

Highlights of parcel freight forwarder in Central Europe for sale

• Small enterprise based in Central Europe
- Spezialisierte Luftfrachttransporte
- Team von 20 Mitarbeitern
- Positive finanzielle Erfolgsbilanz

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