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  • Industrie: Verarbeitendes Gewerbe
  • Einkünfte: >15 Millionen EUR
  • Standort: Europa
  • #CFIE MAS338

Overview of logistics container manufacturer in Europe for sale

The company specializes in the design and construction of metal containers for transporting automotive parts in the metal construction market. In addition, it serves many other sectors. Essentially, it is an established company that started as a medium-sized business. Now, it has factories in various European countries. In general, the production process consists of the design phase, prototype development, small preseries, and mass production. Notably, the company has modern machinery such as CNC machines, laser cutting machines, and CNC pleated machines. Thus, ensuring the quality of production. Moreover, the company holds multiple certifications, such as EN 1090-1:2009 + A1:2011, UNI EN ISO 3834-2:2006, ISO 9001: 2015, and ISO 14001: 2015. Above all, the company offers customized solutions tailored to the customer’s needs.

Profile (strategy) of logistics container manufacturer in Europe for sale

Primarily, this European manufacturer serves the automotive sector, including major automotive manufacturers and their contractors. Significantly, the company operates across international markets, serving large automotive groups in Europe and the USA. Further, the company has acquired design and production capabilities in the thermoformed plastic sector. Also, it has the necessary machinery to offer even more innovative solutions. As a result, the company is now much more flexible and competitive in the industry, providing a wealth of expertise. Currently, the company has an annual turnover of approximately 15 million euros. The owners are interested in selling the business and the buildings, which are owned, either jointly or separately.

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Activities and products of logistics container manufacturer in Europe for sale

Overall, this manufacturer has created a wide range of designs for the transportation of components for cars, motorbikes, trucks, and buses.  In total, these components include, for example, the packaging of the chassis, transportation of raw materials, and mechanical parts. Furthermore, hydraulic and electrical elements, painted exteriors, interiors, accessories, and even complete vehicles. Altogether, the company’s product offerings can be summarized as follows:

  • Standard-Container
  • Specific containers of various materials  for different functions
  • Tragbare Fahrzeugteile
  • Transporter
  • Zimmerei allgemein
  • Andere

Highlights of logistics container manufacturer in Europe for sale

  • The company produces metal containers for transporting automotive parts and for other sectors
  • Hauptsächlich auf den Automobilsektor ausgerichtet
  • It provides services to major automotive groups in Europe and the United States
  • Annual turnover of approximately 15 million euros
  • The owners are interested in selling the business and buildings they own, either together or separately

Weitere Informationen über dieses in Osteuropa zu verkaufende Unternehmen Hersteller von Logistikcontainern in Europa zu verkaufen

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