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Allgemeine Angaben über das gesuchte Unternehmen

  • Size: Small- medium business
  • Sales revenue: 5 – 50 million EUR
  • Standort: Europa
  • Grund für die Übernahme: Der Käufer ist auf der Suche nach einer Übernahme, um den Expansionsplan des Unternehmens in Europa fortzusetzen.
  • #CFIE AUB143


Overview of buyer for interior car part manufacturer in Europe

The buyer is a company that has manufactured molded plastic parts since the end of the 1980s. Predominately, it focuses on manufacturing precise technical and aesthetical moldings from thermoplastics. Altogether, the manufacturing portfolio contains extruded plastic parts, and products using double-injection molding. Equally important are assembly sets and subassembly sets of compressed plastic parts, as well as elements from other materials like metal, urethane foams, films, magnets, and others.

Profile (strategy) of buyer for interior car part manufacturer in Europe

Overall, the company’s mission is to become a recognized national and international reference for the process of thermoplastic transformation by injection. To achieve this, the company is committed to delivering high-quality products and services that exceed client expectations. Notably, the company invests in the latest technologies, tools, and training for its team members. As a result, this ensures they can provide innovative and cost-effective solutions to clients. Ultimately, the goal is to establish long-term relationships with clients and become their trusted partners in achieving their business objectives.

Chiefly, the company’s vision is to meet and surpass the expectations of both internal and external customers. Simultaneously, they adhere to social and environmental responsibilities to attain sustainable growth. Further, the company is committed to improving its business practices and processes to ensure that all stakeholders benefit from its operations. In particular, with a focus on social and environmental responsibility. Thus, the company aims to create long-term value for its customers, employees, shareholders, and the communities in which it operates.

Aktivitäten und Produkte des gesuchten Unternehmens für Spezialfahrzeuge

Currently, the buyer for an interior car parts manufacturer is looking for a candidate with extensive automotive sector experience to lead the company. Essentially, the buyer is interested in acquiring a company that is a manufacturer of a well-known brand or group in Europe. Additionally, it must have a strong focus on producing interior car parts. Moreover, the target company should have been operating in its respective market for a minimum of several years. Preferably, with a solid reputation and a proven track record of success. In addition, the buyer is seeking a company with an annual revenue ranging between 5 to 50 million euros per year.

Highlights of buyer for interior car part manufacturer in Europe

  • The buyer is an experienced automotive company
  • Manufacturing car components in Europe for more than three decades
  • Focused on manufacturing precise technical and aesthetical moldings from thermoplastic
  • Established itself as one of the top manufacturing companies for auto parts in the country
  • Offers reliable and guaranteed services
  • Die Einnahmen übersteigen 50 Millionen Euro jährlich
  • Das Unternehmen sucht nach einem europäischen Hersteller von Innenteilen mit einem Jahresumsatz von 5 - 50 Millionen 

Weitere Informationen über dieses in Osteuropa zu verkaufende Unternehmen Einkäufer für Hersteller von Autoinnenteilen in Europa

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