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- Größe: Mittelgroße bis große Unternehmen
• Revenue: 20 – 70 million EUR
• EBITDA: 10 – 20%
• Reason for acquisition: Business expansion
- #CFIE TRB209

Overview of buyer for clinical logistics company in Central Europe

Currently, this global pharmaceutical logistics company is looking to expand its operations in Europe. Fundamentally, it seeks to acquire a logistics company in Central Europe that specializes in handling biomedicals, healthcare kits, clinical trials, and other pharmaceutical-related logistics services. Chiefly, the buyer aims to strengthen its presence in the European market by acquiring a company with expertise in the pharmaceutical sector. In addition, the target should have the ability to cater to the specific needs of the industry. Moreover, this strategic acquisition will enable the buyer to enhance its capabilities and offer a more comprehensive range of services to its pharmaceutical clients in Europe.

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Profile (strategy) of buyer for clinical logistics company in Central Europe

Strategically, this global pharmaceutical logistics company is looking to expand its capacities in Europe. In particular, the aim is to acquire a logistics company in Central Europe. Primarily, the target company should specialize in handling biomedicals, healthcare kits, clinical trials, and other pharma-related logistic needs across the continent. Overall, by acquiring a company with expertise in these specific areas, the buyer aims to strengthen its presence in the European market and enhance its capabilities in serving the pharmaceutical industry. Essentially, this strategic move will allow the buyer to offer a wider range of services and cater to the growing demand for specialized pharma logistics solutions in Europe.

Activities and products of clinical logistics company in Central Europe wanted

Crucially, the target should specialize in seamlessly handling a range of sensitive biomedicals, healthcare kits, and clinical trials across Europe.  Further, the target should have a deep understanding of the pharma industry’s unique logistics needs and offer tailored solutions. Thus, ensuring the safe and timely delivery of products. Also, their services must include temperature-controlled transport, secure storage facilities, regulatory compliance expertise, and real-time tracking capabilities. Altogether, by focusing on precision and efficiency, the target must have established itself as a trusted partner for pharmaceutical companies. Especially, those looking to navigate the complexities of the European market.

Highlights of buyer and target clinical logistics company in Central Europe wanted

- Der Käufer ist ein Logistikunternehmen mit weltweiter Präsenz
• Provides services to leading pharmaceutical companies across the globe
• Target companies with warehousing premises and active distribution networks
• A track record of positive financial condition is essential

Weitere Informationen über dieses in Osteuropa zu verkaufende Unternehmen Klinisches Logistikunternehmen in Mitteleuropa gesucht

Bitte setzen Sie sich mit uns in Verbindung, wenn Sie mehr über dieses Automobilersatzteilhandelsunternehmen erfahren möchten. Klinisches Logistikunternehmen in Mitteleuropa gesucht.Für weitere zum Verkauf stehende Logistikunternehmen zum Verkauf besuchen Sie bitte den Bereich Logistikunternehmen zu verkaufen. Für andere Logistikeinkäufer besuchen Sie bitte den Abschnitt Logistikunternehmen gesucht. Wenn Sie stattdessen an zu verkaufenden Transportunternehmen interessiert sind, besuchen Sie bitte die Transportunternehmen zu verkaufen Abschnitt. Für Käufer von Transportmitteln besuchen Sie bitte den Abschnitt Transportunternehmen gesucht.

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