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Bedrijf te koop

- Omzet: < 5 miljoen EUR
- EBITDA: 20%
- Locatie: West-Europa
- #CFIE TRS324

Overview of over-dimensional cargo logistics company in Western Europe for sale

This is a unique opportunity for a buyer looking to expand their presence in the specialized transportation industry. Primarily, the company’s core strategy revolves around providing reliable and efficient transportation solutions for over-dimensional cargo (ODC). Chiefly, they accomplish this with a fleet of specialized transport units including cranes, flatbeds, and towing trucks. Essentially, this allows them to cater to a wide range of clients with varying requirements for transporting large and heavy loads. At this time, the acquisition of this logistics company in Western Europe is a promising investment. Especially for strategic investors looking to capitalize on the growing demand for specialized transportation services in the region.

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Profile (strategy) of over-dimensional cargo logistics company in Western Europe for sale

Strategically, the focus of the logistics company is to provide specialized services for the transportation of oversized and overweight cargo. Crucially, this has set them apart from their competitors. Over time, the company has built strong relationships with key clients in a variety of industries. Notably, these include energy, construction, and manufacturing. Additionally, they have strategically invested in their fleet of vehicles and equipment to ensure that they can handle any type of cargo efficiently and safely.

Activities and services of over-dimensional cargo logistics company in Western Europe for sale

Now, due to a well-established presence in the market and a comprehensive range of services, the company is well-positioned for continued growth and success in the industry. Altogether, they provide transportation services and also offer warehousing space specifically designed for over-dimensional cargo. This further enhances their ability to provide comprehensive logistics solutions for their clients. Thus, ensuring that all aspects of the supply chain are taken care of seamlessly. Above all, their commitment to quality service and customer satisfaction has established them as a trusted partner in the industry. In particular, they are known for their strong reputation for delivering safe and reliable transportation solutions for even the most challenging cargo requirements.

Highlights of over-dimensional cargo logistics company in Western Europe for sale

- Gevestigd in West-Europa
- Eigen gespecialiseerde apparatuur voor het verwerken van ODC
- Hoge winstmarges
- Nichekennis

Meer informatie over: Logistiek bedrijf in West-Europa te koop

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