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Azienda in vendita

- Vendite: < 20 milioni di euro
- EBITDA: 5 %
- Posizione: Italia
- #CFIE TRS360

Overview of intermodal transportation company in Italy for sale

The intermodal transportation company in Italy is a well-established player in the industry. In total, it has almost three decades of experience. Over the years, the company has built a solid reputation for providing efficient and reliable road transport services using mega-trailers. Notably, they are known for their speed and reliability, making them popular for businesses transporting letters, parcels, and larger packages across Europe.

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Profile (strategy) of intermodal transportation company in Italy for sale

Strategically, the business offers fast and efficient land transportation services. Critically, it uses mega-trailers to transport large volumes of goods in a single trip. In this way, they reduce overall transportation costs for customers. In particular, this has helped them attract diverse clients, from small businesses to large corporations, looking for cost-effective transportation solutions.

Activities of intermodal transportation company in Italy for sale

In addition to its road transport services, it offers intermodal transportation options. As a result, they provide a comprehensive range of services. Altogether, they employ a team of over 60 dedicated professionals. Consequently, it can handle all aspects of the transportation process, from logistics and planning to execution and delivery.  Further, this profitable company has a strong track record of success. Moreover, annual revenue is over 15 million euros.

Highlights of intermodal transportation company in Italy for sale

  • The enterprise provides road transport services
  • Employs more than 60 people
  • Almost 30 years on the market
  • Strong track record of financial success

Ulteriori informazioni sull' Azienda di trasporto intermodale in Italia in vendita

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